Mikeis a Senior Art Director/Creative Director with several years of experience inthe advertising industry, and his skills and experience can make a differencefor you, your team and your clients.

Hehas a unique philosophical approach when it comes to communicating with his audience. Every problem he attempts to solve strategically and creatively hasan inherent insight and truth within that connects the consumer to the brandviscerally, and any communication or user experience he creates pursues thatconnection.

Runninghis own creative boutique has also given him a deeper understanding of theproblems clients face with their businesses. He listens intently to hisclients and learns the ins and outs of their business. This approach hasprovided many creative opportunities and unexpected solutions which inherentlybuilds a relationship of trust and mutual admiration between them both.

He’sa consummate craftsman, and his tenacity to continuously bring fresh insightfulideas and solutions to the table has become his calling card.



(416) 457-3595


Applied Arts - :30 Television - Maple Leaf Foods

Applied Arts - Print - Energizer Batteries

Archive Magazine - ABC Literacy Campaign

Archive Magazine - Energizer Batteries Outdoor Campaign

Art Directors Club of Canada - :30 Television Silver -Steamwhistle Pilsner 'Train'

Communication Arts - Print Campaign - ABC Literacy

Marketing - Print Campaign Silver - Pepsi

Marketing - Print Campaign Gold - ABC Literacy

Marketing - Most Outstanding Art Direction :30Television - Ikea ‘Must...Live’

New York Art Directors - :30 Television Silver - Ikea'Must...Live'

New York Art Directors - Website Silver - Sunlight Laundry'Every Stain Tells A Story'

New York Festivals - :30 Television Gold Globe –Greenpeace

New York Festivals - Print Campaign Gold Globe - ABCLiteracy

One Show - Transit Silver - ABC Literacy

One Show - Point of Purchase Gold - Bell Pub

Step By Step Graphics Magazine - FeatureArticle - Tillamook Cheese print campaign

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